GeneSet chr15q21 (Chromosomal_Bands.gmt.txt) is enriched in the following clusters
Cluster log(P) Qvalue Observed in Background Observed in Cluster Expected in Cluster
-o- -2.1 0.0412 24.0 3.0 0.81
-+o -2.4 0.02814 24.0 4.0 1.12
Gene expression pattern
Figure: Temporal expression patterns were grouped into clusters with differential expression profiles at three phases of the viral life cycle, namely reverse transcription, integration, and late phase. Boxplots on the left show the distribution of the normalized regression weights for each viral phase used in clustering. Expression change pattern of each gene over time is plotted for mock and HIV samples (dotted orange lines) along with the cluster median (bold red line).
List of genes
Ensembl ID Name Cluster
ENSG00000166710 B2M o+o
ENSG00000140299 BNIP2 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000166262 C15orf33 -+o
ENSG00000157456 CCNB2 oo-
ENSG00000128973 CLN6 ---
ENSG00000166200 COPS2 o--b
ENSG00000104093 DMXL2 o++a
ENSG00000104047 DTWD1 o-o
ENSG00000128923 FAM63B NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000143458 GABPB2 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000137878 GCOM1 o--b
ENSG00000069966 GNB5 -o-
ENSG00000140307 GTF2A2 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000205527 HSP90AB4P -o-
ENSG00000047346 KIAA1370 o++b
ENSG00000166477 LEO1 o+o
ENSG00000140280 LYSMD2 oo+
ENSG00000069956 MAPK6 o+-
ENSG00000197535 MYO5A NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000128833 MYO5C -+o
ENSG00000069943 PIGB o++b
ENSG00000166794 PPIB NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000103769 RAB11A -o-
ENSG00000157450 RNF111 o++b
ENSG00000069667 RORA NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000185088 RPS27L NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000185634 SHC4 +o+
ENSG00000104154 SLC30A4 -+o
ENSG00000137776 SLTM NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000166949 SMAD3 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000090487 SPG21 --o
ENSG00000140262 TCF12 o--a
ENSG00000128872 TMOD2 -+o
ENSG00000092439 TRPM7 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000138592 USP8 o+-
ENSG00000129003 VPS13C NonAssociatedWithProgression