GeneSet MITOCHONDRION_ORGANIZATION_AND_BIOGENESIS (GO_-_Biological_Process.gmt.txt) is enriched in the following clusters
Cluster log(P) Qvalue Observed in Background Observed in Cluster Expected in Cluster
-oo -3.4 0.03264 31.0 4.0 0.64
Gene expression pattern
Figure: Temporal expression patterns were grouped into clusters with differential expression profiles at three phases of the viral life cycle, namely reverse transcription, integration, and late phase. Boxplots on the left show the distribution of the normalized regression weights for each viral phase used in clustering. Expression change pattern of each gene over time is plotted for mock and HIV samples (dotted orange lines) along with the cluster median (bold red line).
List of genes
Ensembl ID Name Cluster
ENSG00000030110 BAK1 o--b
ENSG00000105327 BBC3 +oo
ENSG00000171791 BCL2 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000171552 BCL2L1 ---
ENSG00000015475 BID -oo
ENSG00000144559 C3orf31 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000163626 COX18 o--b
ENSG00000087470 DNM1L NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000214253 FIS1 --o
ENSG00000233276 GPX1 ---
ENSG00000080824 HSP90AA1 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000126709 IFI6 oo+
ENSG00000116688 MFN2 o--b
ENSG00000027001 MIPEP -oo
ENSG00000115204 MPV17 --o
ENSG00000183093 MRPL12 ---
ENSG00000125459 MSTO1 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000127989 MTERF o--a
ENSG00000128654 MTX2 o++b
ENSG00000164258 NDUFS4 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000168653 NDUFS5 o--a
ENSG00000115286 NDUFS7 ---
ENSG00000110717 NDUFS8 o--a
ENSG00000198836 OPA1 o-+
ENSG00000141682 PMAIP1 oo-
ENSG00000102743 SLC25A15 NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000151729 SLC25A4 -oo
ENSG00000131748 STARD3 ---
ENSG00000102125 TAZ o-+
ENSG00000108064 TFAM NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000162851 TFB2M NonAssociatedWithProgression
ENSG00000134375 TIMM17A -oo
ENSG00000126768 TIMM17B --o
ENSG00000138297 TIMM23 o--a
ENSG00000104980 TIMM44 ---
ENSG00000105197 TIMM50 ---
ENSG00000100216 TOMM22 o--b
ENSG00000025772 TOMM34 o--a
ENSG00000141510 TP53 o--a
ENSG00000072756 TRNT1 o++a